

Saturday 18 June 2016

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion | Screenshots

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
RTS genre iconSpace style iconyear 2012 icon
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion is the third expansion of the SSE real time strategy space game. The game remain the same, to explore and conquer exciting space sector with 1-3 suns and a lot of planets, hiding powerful artifacts. But there are new types of planets, new ships, including the Titan, and a lot of new features. It is really exiting 1 week adventure, with all these clear stars in the early summer nights.

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Recorded adventure archive 11.06.2016 - 17.06.2016 game week.
 Previous adventure. Next game from the Adventure Book.

11 Similar Games. Games like Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion:

  1. Imperium Galactica 2. (2000) 
  2. Armada 2526. (2009)
  3. Sword of the Stars. (2006)
  4. Lost Empire. (2007)
  5. Endless Space. (2012)
  6. Master of Orion 2. (1996)
  7. Space Empires 5. (2000)
  8. Galactic Civilizations. (2006)
  9. Ascendancy. (1995)
  10. Distant Worlds. (2010)
  11. Star Wars: Rebellion. (1998)

Friday 17 June 2016

Unstable Alliance Map | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Screenshot

Unstable Alliance Map | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Screenshot
Another good map to play is Unstable Alliance. It is a large clustered map with 2 defense points for every cluster. The pirates here are quite strong, and it is good idea to keep the titan in one of those near sun asteroids and ride the pirates bases from time to time, watching the titan not to be destroyed by the turrets.

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Unity Titan Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Unity Titan Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
The titan of the Advent race is may be the strongest of all. The Advent have a research, which makes their ships to gain experience over time, without engaging in combat. This and the female voice are the only advantage of this race.

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Thursday 16 June 2016

Starbase Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Starbase Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
The TEC star bases are may be the best ones. They can not move, like Vasari star bases, but they have some unique useful abilities. Every star base may have maximum of 2 weapon slots, 3 armor slots, 3 fighter hangars, 2 trade posts(yes additional credits for the empire). And the TEC have special 2 construction yards(very very useful), 2 repair slots, a self destruct and an auxiliary control. Last two are not very useful. The last tech from the defense tree allow 2 star bases in a planet's gravity well. This base though is going down. But I'll be back there soon.

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Matar System Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Matar System Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Matar system is a good map to play with many fertile planets and good defensive positions. It is a medium map with the name of Mealstorm.

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TEC Titan Abilities Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

TEC Titan Abilities Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
The first ability of the TEC titan is to damage all ships around it. The second one gives the titan accelerated regeneration of hull and shields, which is very useful upon retreat. The third one (seen on the screen) is to enhance the shields of allied ships around it. The next 3 abilities are passive, giving damage and durability to the ship itself.

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Titans Combat Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Titans Combat Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
The combats in SSE are intense. This is our titan ship against the rival Advent titan. Although the titans are very strong, without any smaller ships support, they are an easy pray.  We have 7 more capital ships to help in the battle, and 4 repair drones are assigned near by, with their auto attack switched off(right click on the attack to turn it off and on). 

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Titan Ship Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Titan Ship Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
One of many new things in SSE: Rebellion is the Titan ship. Here is the TDN Kinesia passing near this volcanic planet escorted with the rest of the fleet. In combat we can control every ship's action and its special abilities, or we can leave them to auto use.

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TEC Research Tree | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Screenshot

TEC Research Tree | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Screenshot
Here is the Civilian Research tree playing TEC. Every race have its own research tree and there are 5 research fields. Civilian tree allow different planet types colonization, resources and credit income and culture spread and resistance. Also it is important to discover the com sat, which worn when enemies are heading to our planets. Military tree allow ship construction, weapons and armor. Defense tree is for defense structures and star bases. Fleet Logistics increase the number of capital ships and fleet size. And Diplomacy tree gives some diplomatic actions with other races.

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Wednesday 15 June 2016

Middle Game Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Middle Game Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Our empire is now well expanded and we need to fortify its key planets. But without a mobile fleet to move from star to star, the defense itself is not enough for the main rival fleet. What else we can see is that we have discovered two rare artifacts, which gives a tremendous bonuses(planets with small triangle under them).

Desert Planet Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Desert Planet Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Here is a nice desert planet. There are 2 capital ships in it (seen on the left icon menu). Beside the defensive buildings, there is a ship construction yard. But playing with TEC, it is best to leave ship construction to their special bases, and free the slot for some economic buildings like refineries(if there are a lot of resources) and trade ports.

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Home Planet Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Home Planet Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
The home planet is always a nice terran world. Every planet have a dew mining asteroids around itself and certain amount of structures can be built around it. But desert planets allow the most structures after maximum development.

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Exploring Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Exploring Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
We explore the star system by sending scouts trough the lines, which connect the planets. Line type connections allow strategies to fortify one key planet. After we construct the first scouts and send tem to explore, we must think about colonization. The colony ship is cheep, but can colonize only habitable planets in the beginning, like terran and desert, including asteroids. We can research other type colonization later when we have civilian labs. Also our first choice for capital ship, could be the Colonizator.

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Tuesday 14 June 2016

Let's Begin | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Let's Begin | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Screenshot
We begin the game with our home planet. The space is a desolated place with a few known planets, which need to be explored. We have 3 main resources to think about. Credits, Metal and Crystals. Credits comes from planet population. Metals and crystals comes from deposits near planets. First we need to build some mines and a few scouts.

All descriptive screenshots for Sins of a Solar Empire.

Sunday 12 June 2016

Cinematic Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Cinematic Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
The cinematic of SSE: Rebellion is a good one. It reveals a short history about the war between the 3 races: the TEC, the Vasari and the Advent. They all are separated in two factions now, the Loyalists and the Rebels.

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Victory Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Victory Screenshot | Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Victory above normal difficulty is a true satisfaction. There are many ways to win in hard difficulties, but one is to create a lot of small carriers, kite the rival fleet in one planet and attack another with the capital ships. It was an exciting game week! Be back in the next month game week.

All descriptive screenshots for Sins of a Solar Empire.

 Previous adventure.