

Sunday 23 October 2016

Civilization 6 Screenshots

Civilization 6 Screenshot - begin game
TBS genre iconAncient style iconMedieval style iconRenaissance style iconModern style iconyear 2016 icon
  Civilization 6 is the most recent version of Sid Meier's Civ series, released October 2016. Now it has really wonderful graphic, but at the cost of super cool video card, HDD space and processor. New resources, races and concepts are also presented. But someone said it, it is now "Just one more game", instead of "Just one more turn". It is no secret civ is trying to become casual game, played by almost everyone. Back in time, to play Civilization game, the player needed a lot of knowledge, practice, patience, strategic thinking and of course free time.
(Screenshots by Pablo Hauptmann and Kevin Pearson)

Game Data:
Name: Civilization 6.  
Type: Turn Based Strategy (TBS)
Genre: Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Modern. (Earth)
Year of Release: 2016
Platform: PC/Windows

Saturday 8 October 2016

Fantasy General Screenshots

Fantasy General - Knight screenshot
TBT genre iconTBS genre iconFantasy style iconyear 1996 icon
Fantasy General is may be the greatest game of them all. This game is so hooking, easy to play, light to run and clear in graphics, that every modern creation just peal before it. FG is a classical hex turn based strategy game, with a distinguishable units role, 3 different races to play, excellent level system and exciting items to find in ruins. This game is a must play for every decent gamer. It is easy to run with DOS Box, and may be found on the net for free and even played in a browser.
Here is a glimpse from this awesome game, reviewed in the following screenshots:

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Recorded adventure archive 01.10.2016 - 15.11.2016.
 Previous adventure. Next game from the Adventure Book.

Game Data:
Name: Fantasy General
Type: Turn Based Tactic (TBS), Turn Based Strategy (TBS),
Genre: Fantasy. ( 5 continents Barren, Plains, Jungles, Snow, Lava)
Year of Release: 1996
Platform: PC/DOS/Windows - More Info

27 Similar Games. Games like Fantasy General:

  1. Fantasy General 2 (2019)
  2. Warhammer 40,000: Rites of War. (1999)
  3. The Battle for Wesnoth. (2003 Free)
  4. Panzer Corps. (2011)
  5. Panzer General 2. (1997)
  6. Panzer General 3: Scorched Earth. (2000)
  7. Pacific General. (1997)
  8. Allied General. (1995)
  9. Panzer Tactics DS. (2008)
  10. Open General. (2012 Free)
  11. Star General. (1996)
  12. People's General (1998)
  13. Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon. (2014)
  14. Sovereignty: Crown of Kings. (2015)
  15. Fantasy Wars. (2007)
  16. Elven Legacy. (2009)
  17. Civilization 5. (2010)
  18. Endless Legend. (2014)
  19. Battle Worlds: Kronos. (2013)
  20. Pandora: First Contact. (2014)
  21. Warlock: Master of the Arcane. (2012)
  22. King's Bounty: Armored Princess. (2009) 
  23. At the Gates. (2015)
  24. Devils & Demons. (2015)
  25. Armello. (2015)
  26. Fantasy Kommander - Eukarion Wars. (2013)
  27. Drums of War. (20??)

Archmage Leader | Fantasy General Screenshots

Archmage Leader | Fantasy General Screenshots
Playing Archmage in Fantasy General allow hiring the special magical units for the player's side. No other leader can hire magical beings. The first magical heavy infantry unit is the Tree Men. And the most powerful heavy infantry is the Monk of Meo unit, having the greatest attack value in game. Magical units though, can not be upgraded. The Archmage have 4 special spells to cast in combat.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Sorceress Mordra | Fantasy General Screenshot

Sorceress Mordra | Fantasy General Screenshot
Playing Sorceress Mordra  leader in Fantasy General allow hiring the special beastmen units for the player's side. No other leader can hire beastmen. The first beast heavy infantry unit is the Barbarian. And the most powerful heavy infantry is the Elephant Man unit, having the greatest endurance value in game. Beastmen units though, can not be upgraded. The Sorceress have 2 special spells to cast in combat. The name of the leader can be changed when clicking in the name under the picture.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Lord Marcas | Fantasy General Screenshot

Lord Marcas | Fantasy General Screenshot
Lord Marcas, Fantasy General leader, can not hire any special units, but all his new recruits start with one full level. He is famous, warlord and general.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Continent 1 | Fantasy General Screenshot

Continent 1 | Fantasy General Screenshot
The first continent is a barren land occupied by rival forces.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Volunteers | Fantasy General Screenshot

Volunteers | Fantasy General Screenshot
Sometimes, from the ruins, special places and after certain missions, volunteers may join the player's army. The volunteers do not use army slot, but they will stay only for the current continent. It means they are expendable.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Malric Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot

Malric Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot
Playing with the knight, the Malric Hero can be found in the Hoaroot Forest, located top right on the first continent. Malricis a flying hero, extremely usable in early missions when Sky hunters cost too much. Heroes have 10 points of life, but they never suffer casualties, thus they can not fall in level.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Research Screen | Fantasy General Screenshot

Research Screen | Fantasy General Screenshot
After every mission, the player can check the units research progress and adjust gold spending to any research. The percent not spent on research will go for units recruitment and upgrades.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Friday 7 October 2016

Army Screen | Fantasy General Screenshot

Army Screen | Fantasy General Screenshot
Again after every mission, the player can check the army status. It include upgrading units, recruit new units and equipping items. The army limit is shown on the upper right.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Equip Items | Fantasy General Screenshot

Equip Items | Fantasy General Screenshot
If the unit finds an item on the battlefield, it will directly equip it. If it already have equipped item, the item will go in the inventory. Volunteers also send what they find in the inventory. Items are many, they include:
1. Javelins - giving skirmish attack;
2. Armor - giving defense;
3. Axe - giving attack;
4. Crossbows - giving ranged attack against flyers;
5. Many types of stuff, like the Stuff of Healing;
6. And many more like boots, rings and cloaks.

I personally equip heroes with Javelins, Heavy infantries with armor, Heavy cavalries with crossbows, Flyers and light cavalries with Stuff of Healing.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Magical Armor | Fantasy General Screenshot

Magical Armor  | Fantasy General Screenshot
The Magical Armor increases the defense of the unit and make it magical defense.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Magical Crossbow | Fantasy General Screenshot

Magical Crossbow | Fantasy General Screenshot
The Magical Crossbow gives a ranged attack to the unit and make it able to attack flyers. It is best equipped on heavy cavalries, as they are fast and strong.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

The Stuff of Healing | Fantasy General Screenshot

The Stuff of Healing  | Fantasy General Screenshot
The The Stuff of Healing is may be the best item found in ruins and temples, but it is somewhat rare. The first stuff of healing may be found on mission 4 in the second continent. When equipped, the unit receive the ability to cast one heal magic to any unit around it, every turn. It is best equipped on flyers and light cavalries as they are fast.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

The Ring of Regeneration | Fantasy General Screenshot

The Ring of Regeneration  | Fantasy General Screenshot
The Ring of Regeneration will heal 1 point of live every turn for the unit equipped. As it can not regenerate casualties, it is best equipped on heroes, as they receive only wounds.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Continent 2 | Fantasy General Screenshot

Continent 2 | Fantasy General Screenshot
The second continent is a plain land occupied by evil wizard. He can cast one of 4 archmage spells every turn and play undead and magical armies. The good news is we have researched a new unit to play with, a decent sky hunter.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Priest of Handola Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot

Priest of Handola Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot
Priest of Handola is the next hero to join the player's army. He will join no matter who leader we play. But the temple of Handola must be reached before turn 12 in The Vale of Sorrow - first mission on the second continent. The Priest of Handola is a light infantry and can cast Bless spell once per turn.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Kraekvar Boss | Fantasy General Screenshot

Kraekvar Boss | Fantasy General Screenshot
Kraekvar  is the rival hero guarding the last stronghold on the second continent. He is a heavy infantry, well guarded by his troops. Can cast fear spell. After beating him, we go to the third continent, hooray.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Continent 3 | Fantasy General Screenshot

Continent 3 | Fantasy General Screenshot
The third continent is a jungle land occupied by evil sorceress. She has a spell do harm our units once per mission and play with the beastmen. More  good news is we have researched a new unit to play with, a strange mechanical cavalry.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Valira Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot

Valira Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot
Here is Valira hero. She is available to every leader and can be found in the first mission on the third continent, in the temple northeast. Valira is a sky hunter and she can fix broken units once per turn.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Begin mission | Fantasy General Screenshot

Begin mission  | Fantasy General Screenshot
Here is the squad ready for combat. The selected Power Lancer (a heavy cavalry) have 5 levels, which increase its base attack ind defense with 10 points.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Hidden Ratman Island | Fantasy General Screenshot

Hidden Ratman Island | Fantasy General Screenshot
To reach the Giant's Throw Island, which is hidden on the main map, you must win the Felbourne Bogs mission in 12 turns, as shown on the screenshot.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

 to reach Giant's Throw Island.

Grimal the Rat Lord Boss | Fantasy General Screenshot

 Grimal the Rat Lord Boss | Fantasy General Screenshot
The Giant's Throw Island is full of Ratmen. We can deploy only limited troops to play there, and there is the rival hero Grimal the Rat Lord guarding the temple.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Bonus Traits | Fantasy General Screenshot

Bonus Traits | Fantasy General Screenshot
Beside increasing their stats with items, units in FG, can find also bonus traits. The bonus traits are rare and should be provided to best units. A bonus trait may increase unit's attack or defense with additional 2-4 points.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Claw the Assassin Rival Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot

Claw the Assassin Rival Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot
Claw the Assassin Rival hero is found in the third jungle continent. She is a skirmisher with two natural levels.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Leech King Rival Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot

Leech King Rival Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot
The Leech King is guarding the last stronghold of the third jungle continent. He is a light infantry with some item with him. Not very bright in combat.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Continent 4 | Fantasy General Screenshot

Continent 4 | Fantasy General Screenshot
The forth continent is a frozen world occupied by dark knight. He can heal all his armies one per mission  and play mostly with regular units.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Ice Witch | Fantasy General Screenshot

Ice Witch  | Fantasy General Screenshot
The Ice Witch  is a week enemy light infantry hero. Without support she is even weaker.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Sir Kalador | Fantasy General Screenshot

Sir Kalador Screenshot
Sir Kalador may be found in in the winter continent. He is a cavalry hero and at first he is good. In later missions in infernal continents Sir Kalador is quite vulnerable. He is best to have a Healing Staff and stay behind the front lines. 

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Hyphon Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot

Hyphon Hero
 Hyphon is another light infantry hero. He have the Whirlwind spell, which hit flyers.
Hyphon location
Here is Hyphon Location. 

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Pale Marshal | Fantasy General Screenshot

Pale Marshal | Fantasy General Screenshot
The Pale Marshal is a rival cavalry hero, guarding a frozen castle. With this heavy support, we need to move with caution. 

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Lava Dragons | Fantasy General Screenshot

Lava Dragons | Fantasy General Screenshot
The Lava Dragons are may be the strongest flyers in the game. They are available only to one of two leaders, leading Magical or Bestmen units. 

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Last Winter Mission | Fantasy General Screenshot

Last Winter Mission | Fantasy General Screenshot
Here is the main castle in the last mission on the 4th continent. The ogre knights with archer support may be challenging, if there is not enough time. 

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Continent 5 | Fantasy General Screenshot

Continent 5 | Fantasy General Screenshot
The fifth continent is an infernal world with lava rivers occupied by the dark lord. He play with either magical and beastmen units, including Monks of Meo(link) and Elephantman(link). He can also cast one of 4 archmage spells.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Flyers Army | Fantasy General Screenshot

Flyers Army | Fantasy General Screenshot
As always, the infantries on the first line, followed by cavalries. Then the sky hunters. All fliers on this mission carry healing stuff to support the ground troops.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Units Overview | Fantasy General Screenshot

Units Overview | Fantasy General Screenshot
Here is units overview menu. It is available only in tactical missions and very useful to find unit levels.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Malakin Nightwing Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot

Malakin Hero | Fantasy General Screenshot
Malakin Nightwing  is a demon flying hero situated in the infernal lands of the 5th continent. Malakin is also the name of the demon girl in the popular these days TV series "Lucifer".

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Monks of Meo | Fantasy General Screenshot

Monks of Meo | Fantasy General Screenshot
There, in the upper right corner, dressed in a red robe, is the Monks of Meo unit. It is the most powerful heavy infantry unit in the game, and it is available only to the archmage leader. He is guarded by 3 sandmen, which are again magical units.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.

Warlord Mechanus vs Elephantmen | Fantasy General Screenshot

Warlord Mechanus vs Elephantmen | Fantasy General Screenshot
This epic portrait shows the battle between the strongest mechanical infantry - the Warlord Mechanus, and the strongest beastmen infantry - the  Elephantmen. As the beastmen does not have any natural magical attack, the Warlord should survive after being attacked by the Elephantmen and the centaurs.

All descriptive screenshots for Fantasy General.