

Friday 20 January 2017

Arcane Sanctuary | Diablo 2 Screenshot

Arcane Sanctuary  | Diablo 2 Screenshot
A maze with many platforms with treasure chests and traps.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Spider Forest | Diablo 2 Screenshot

Spider Forest | Diablo 2 Screenshot
In Act 3, we are surrounded by a thick jungle. Here the mage folower is lightning the way with his magic.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Expanding | Stellaris Screenshot

Expanding | Stellaris Screenshot
Now every planet will generate a border territory. Though the construction ships can not work outside the borders, the colony ship may go and colonize planet outside the borders. This will cost a lot of influence, but it should be worth it later.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Planet Events | Stellaris Screenshot

Planet Events | Stellaris Screenshot
Some of the planets in the game have good or bad events. They are discovered by the science ship and may appear or disappear in the course of the game.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

The Science Ship | Stellaris Screenshot

The Science Ship | Stellaris Screenshot
The science ship in Stellaris is a main concept during the whole game. It is driven by a science leader and is used to explore and scan star systems, planets, anomalies, combat debris and help in the planets research.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Space Monsters | Stellaris Screenshot

Space Monsters | Stellaris Screenshot
The galaxy of Stellaris is roamed by number of space monsters. Some of them eat stars making nasty events on the planets around. They are very strong and some are not affected by energy weapons. Hopefully they are not very aggressive. If you want to get rid of such monster, try at least 16 k of ships strength equipped with rockets or missiles.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Minor Races | Stellaris Screenshot

Minor Races | Stellaris Screenshot
One amazing feature in Stellaris game is those minor races. First they are not visible on the star map. When a science ship survey the star system it may find out that some of the planets are populated with less developed beings, like one in the stone age, medieval age, modern age or early space age. They will slowly advance, but some of them may not advance enough to become a major race during the whole game. The constructor ship can build an observation station near the populated planet, which give some additional options, like one to help the race to evolve, or infiltrate them like in those sci-fi horror movies with aliens in human form trying to seize the governments.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Exploring | Stellaris Screenshot

Exploring | Stellaris Screenshot
Like always, the very first task in a space strategy game is to explore the stars around. In Stellaris game we have 3 small ships at the start. It is good idea to separate and send them to visit every star for habitable planets and unique races. If we wait for too long the other races may close their borders and block the access to unexplored stars, and finding these valuable unique races.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Planets View | Stellaris Screenshot

Planets View | Stellaris Screenshot
Here are my thoughts about the planets and the star systems in Stellaris. I recently watched some space movies made in the sixties. The space ships and the planets were toys hanging on strings. Just 50 years later, a realistic and lovely representation of a star system is only a part of a game. Every planet may be observed, zoomed and rotated by the player. And as much as this is not so necessary in a strategy game, where things should be shown at a glance, it is fun to loose some time around these planets.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Research and Technologies | Stellaris Screenshot

Research and Technologies | Stellaris Screenshot
The research in Stellaris game goes in 3 directions. Physics research, society research and engineering research. Every branch can be led by a scientist leader and reduce the development time.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Domination Victory | Stellaris Screenshot

Domination Victory | Stellaris Screenshot
After 1 week struggle and many space conflicts, we are finally victorious! Domination victory is won when 40% of all habitable planets are conquered.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Monday 9 January 2017

The Science Leader | Stellaris Screenshot

The Science Leader | Stellaris Screenshot
Here is a screen with Stellaris leaders. Governors are placed on the planets. Scientist lead the research and drive the science ship. Admirals lead the fleet. Generals lead the ground troops. And the strange scientist on the top, with the purple circlet is the scientist hero, hired from the unique races, if we are lucky to find one.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Unique Races | Stellaris Screenshot

Beside all major races, ancient races and minor races, the galaxy of Stellaris is roamed by a number of unique races. They are shown in purple and do not posses any planets, but just a space station shown on the map with tower banner. There are 3 of them. Trader - which gives a resource and allow trading minerals for credits and vice versa. Scientists, which give the science bonuses and lend the Scientist Leader. And cultural, which gives some unique options  with culture and sell happiness buildings.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Friday 6 January 2017

Sector Management | Stellaris Screenshot

Sector Management | Stellaris Screenshot
Colonization expansion in Stelllaris is quite exciting. There are the main core planets. First they are five top. With a little race modifying can reach 7. And there are sciences to increase the number. These core planets are managed by the player and all the rest go in sectors. I can choose which the core planets are and it cost influence resource. Mistakes in managing sectors are costly.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Happiness | Stellaris Screenshot

Happiness | Stellaris Screenshot
Most of all I like my people to be happy. Happiness increase production effectiveness of credits and crystals.

More Stellaris Screenshots.

Monday 2 January 2017

Home World | Stellaris Screenshot

Home World | Stellaris Screenshot
First days of the year 2017, in a galaxy far far in the Matrix. Here is our home world in the computer game Stellaris. Being a complicated real time strategy, the info may be too much, but here is the situation: 1. Most of the planets around are not colonizable. 2. We have one planet with space port to construct ships. 3. We have one (at first) science ship to scan the objects around for resources and anomalies. 4. One construction ship to build bases to harvest the resources. 5. And fleet of 3 ships to explore around.

More Stellaris Screenshots.