

Monday, 20 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Reptoids

Open X-Com X-Files Reptoids
Digging in the Shogg story, it will lead to an underground race of lizards. The reptoid cities are easy terrain but are rare missions. Also they give the next energy type weapons

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Main Base

Open X-Com X-Files Main Base
Here are the base facilities in the late 2001. I finally have the Advanced laboratory. There are at least 6 types of laboratories in X-Files mod. As always there is not enough storage space.

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Landing Site 180

Open X-Com X-Files Landing Site 180
This game I have 3 alien bases that occasionally are visited by supply ships. The Engineers in these ships sometimes carry the so precious Alien Electronics, so for now the bases stay alive. 

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Promotion III

Open X-Com X-Files Promotion III
Promotion III is a milestone, that unlock the latest human technology. It is not seen in the tech tree viewer, but it requires at least one cult eliminated. The Red Down HQ usually is first available, it must be destroyed and the cult terminated.

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Tritanium Sword

Open X-Com X-Files Tritanium Sword
This is Cyberweb main battleship mission. There are at least 50 heavy armed men and 5-6 Centurion robots. They are very hard to eliminate, except for the tritanium sword. 2-3 hits behind the robot and it is wrecked. The tritanium sword remain the ultimate melee weapon for the whole game, may be to plasma blade.

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Aquatoids

Open X-Com X-Files Aquatoids
There are also underwater missions in UFO 1 open x-com s-files. There are some Aquatoids.

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Snakeman

Open X-Com X-Files Snakeman
Bunch of Snakemen lining up for mind control.

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Psi-amp

Open X-Com X-Files Psi-amp
At some point the Psi-amp will be available. It uses the Psionic Skill and have a range of 25 plus vision, but it is still very useful in such situations.

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Friday, 10 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files BlackOps Assault Cannon

Open X-Com X-Files  BlackOps Assault Cannon
The BlackOps Assault Cannon cannon is a special drop only from Syndicate agents, mostly by their bosses. It is not very used among my agents but is something they get scared of.

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Globe View

Open X-Com X-Files Globe View
There is another alien invasion. Gathering of so many alien ships in one area, means they are trying to make a base. Now I try to catch the supply ship when he lands to see if I can ruin their plans.

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Mind Control

Open X-Com X-Files Mind Control
With the first Etherial under control, things got easier. First mind control in X-Files is available with the Skulljack, which is created from Psiclone and have range of one. 

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Inventory

Open X-Com X-Files Inventory
Some of the equipment for the missions. The fire extinguisher is very useful when against plasma weapons. From down left to right:

1. Tritanium sword ;
2. Electric club;
3. Dart rifle clip;
4. Dart Rifle;
5. Auto Magnum - very cool gun all game; 
6. Magnum Tritanium Clip - have to manufacture them;
7. UAC Rifle - work in space, very dangerous against;
8. UAC Rifle Tritanium Clip - have to manufacture them;
9. Canister Gun Acid Clip;
10. Napalm Grenade - panics the victim;
11. Canister Gun - when nothing else work on them.
12. Heavy Cannon;
12. Heavy Cannon Scattered Tritanium Clip - no one on the way;
14. M60 Magazine;
15. Grenades;
16. A ring to regain focus;
17. The M60 machinegun - for rising reactions.
18. Dynamite - crappy;
19. High Explosives - still need more;
20. Electroflare - always needed;
21. Healing gel - use a lot to rise bravery;
22. Flashlight - like electro flare;
23. Fire extinguisher - a must to have in ship and in base.

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Dimension X

Open X-Com X-Files Dimension X
Here is the other dimension we have heard for a long time now. Agent X is armed with pusle pistol and Storm Rose, ready for anything. To reach dimension X we follow the Cyberweb story. Take their scientists alive and interrogate them.  Research files found in their labs too. At some point it will give a portal mission.

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Friday, 3 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Cult of Apocalypse

Open X-Com X-Files Cult of Apocalypse
Sometimes, all sorts of gangsters and cultist gather in some obscure location to celebrate the coming end of the world. In the bases of the Cult of Apocalypse there are at least 95 well armed men and women. The heavy cannon can lay 4 with one volley, it is just so crowded.

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files Warp Rifle

Open X-Com X-Files Warp Rifle
Some Anthropods dropped 2 warp rifles. It comes with no ammunition but when the rifle is used it vanish. 

All screenshots for Open XCom.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Open X-Com X-Files M60

Open X-Com X-Files M60
The M60 machine gun is the mandatory weapon for my X-Files agents. It has 120 magazine, strangely long range, and bullets fly very fast. It has low accuracy but for the mean of increasing Reactions and Firing Accuracy, it is perfect.

All screenshots for Open XCom.