

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Free Colonization - Veteran Dragoons Screenshot

Free Colonization - Veteran Cavalrry Screenshot
Free Colonization PC Game - More explanation screenshots
TBS genre iconRenaissance style iconyear 2002 iconyear 2015 icon
Free Colonization computer game is a must play for every strategist out there. It is a classic turn based strategy game that lead us in the years of the colonization of America. It is well maintained and updated as for 2015 and will run on all windows with installed Java.

So after we develop a good city locations and the industry is flourishing, we need to attend the army, to defend our territories form the native tribes and the greedy king. Any colonist that is given a musket from the warehouse can be a soldier, but the veteran soldiers are always better. Beside hiring expensive veterans from Europe, we can train our free colonists to become veterans if we have the university building in one of our cities. Then we need horses. It is good idea to invest for 50 horses in the beginning. Place them in a city with many food and breed them. Veteran soldiers and horses are the key to easy and lazy gameplay.

Game Data:
Name: Free Colonization
Type: Turn Based Strategy (TBS)
Genre: Renaissance (America)
Platform: PC/Windows - More Info
Year of Release: 2002, 2015.
Free Game: Colonization of America

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