

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Sid Meier's Civilization - City Screen Screenshot

Sid Meire's Civilization - City Screen Description
Sid Meier's Civilization PC Game - More explanation screenshots
TBS genre iconAncient style iconMedieval style iconRenaissance style iconModern style iconyear 1991 icon
This is the city screen from Civilization 1 computer game. From left top to bottom we have the city population. Under it the food generation, the production, trade and gold and science according to the tax rate. Under it is the units that the city supports. And bottom the food storage. When it is filled up the city will increase in size.

In the center is the land area the city harness Under it is the units that are currently in the city and bottom is the nasty pollution. It can be removed by buildings. Top right is the constructed building and under it is the current construction.

Game Data:
Name: Sid Meier's Civilization
Type: Turn Based Strategy (TBS)
Genre: Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Modern. (Earth)
Year of Release: 1991
Platform: PC/DOS/Windows with DOS-Box  - More Info
Picture Story: Civilization 1 Adventure Walkthrough

19 Similar Games. Games like Sid Meier's Civilization:

  1. Civilization 2. (1996)
  2. Civilization 2: Test of Time. (1999)  
  3. Civilization 3. (2001)  
  4. Call to Power 2 Civilization  (2000) 
  5. Civilization 4. (2005) 
  6. Civilization 5. (2010)  
  7. Civilization: Beyond Earth. (2014) 
  8. Free Civilization. (2013 -2015)
  9. Free Colonization. (2002 - 2015)
  10. Colonization. (1994)
  11. Civilization 4: Colonization. (2008)
  12. Civilization 4: Dune Wars. (2009)
  13. Civilization 4: Planetfall Mod (2006)
  14. Galactic Civilizations 2. (2006)
  15. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. (1999) 
  16. Pandora: First Contact. (2014)
  17. Warlock: Master of the Arcane. (2012)
  18. Elemental: War of Magic. (2010)
  19. Master of Magic. (2014)