

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Civilization 4 - Approaching Army

Civilization 4 - Approaching Army Screenshot
Civilization 4 PC Game - More explanation screenshots
TBS genre iconAncient style iconMedieval style iconRenaissance style iconModern style iconyear 2005 icon
This is a user created map, designed for high difficulties. The year is 930 AD, when the spy detected a vast army marching toward the borders.There were 7 knights, 3 Elephants, 3 Macemen, 8 Horse Archers, 4 Crossbowmen, 2 Longbowmen, 11 Catapults, 1 Axeman and more.
Game Data:
Name: Civilization 4
Type: Turn Based Strategy (TBS)
Genre: Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Modern. (Earth)
Year of Release: 2005
Platform: PC/Windows - More Info

23 Similar Games. Games like Civilization 4:

  1. Civilization 4: Warlords. (2006 - Update) 
  2. Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword. (2007- Update) 
  3. Civilization 4: Colonization. (2008)  
  4. Civilization 4: Dune Wars. (2009 - Mod) 
  5. Civilization 4: Planetfall. (2006 - Mod) 
  6. Sid Meier's Civilization (1991)
  7. Civilization 2 Gold (1996)  
  8. Civilization 2: Test of Time. (1999)  
  9. Call to Power 2 Civilization  (2000) 
  10. Civilization 3. (2001) 
  11. Civilization 3: Play the World. (2002) 
  12. Civilization 3: Conquests. (2003) 
  13. Civilization 5. (2010)  
  14. Civilization: Beyond Earth. (2014) 
  15. Free Civilization. (2013 -2015)
  16. Free Colonization. (2002 - 2015)
  17. Colonization. (1994)
  18. Galactic Civilizations 2. (2006)
  19. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. (1999) 
  20. Pandora: First Contact. (2014)
  21. Warlock: Master of the Arcane. (2012)
  22. Elemental: Fallen Enchantress. (2014)
  23. Master of Magic. (2014)