The Secret World is a massively multiplayer online role-playing video game set in a modern-day real world under attack from occult forces. The player's character joins one of three world-controlling secret societies attempting to repel, mitigate or exploit the attack of Lovecraftian entities and other immortal beings. It was relaunched as Secret World Legends in 2017.
Game Data:
Name: Secret World Legends.
Genre: Horror Futuristic (Lovecraft stories)
Platform: PC/Window
7 Similar Games. Games like Secret World Legends:
- Rift. (2011)
- The Lord of the Rings Online (2007)
- Guild Wars 2. (2012)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic. (2011)
- Star Trek Online. (2010)
- The Elder Scrolls Online. (2014)
- EVE Online. (2003)