Carthag-Tuek is situated east of the Atreids palace. It is the down
most, of
the first 3 caves, that duke Leto gives the location for. There is one
blue dressed fremen chief with 1900 men. The men do not have equipment,
only our ornitopter that we use to travel.
Carthag-Timin Sietch: |
Carthag-Timin is situated east of the Atreids palace. It is the middle,
the first 3 caves, that duke Leto gives the location for. To convince
the workers to work for you, the Tueno-Tabr must be visited and the
knowledge of stillsuits obtained. The fremes here are the Prospectors,
they will prospect the grey lands for spice density. The men do not have
Carthag-Harg Sietch: |
Carthag-Harg is situated east of the Atreids palace. It is the up most,
the first 3 caves, that duke Leto gives the location for. There is one
green dressed fremen chief with 2080 men. The men do not have equipment,
only our ornitopter that we use to travel.
Tueno-Tabr Sietch: |
Tueno-Tabr is situated south-east of the Atreids palace, east of
Carthag-Tuek. There we find information about the stillsuits and after
the dicovery of the communication room, information about the
harvesters. There is one green dressed fremen chief with 1740 men. The
men have a harvester equipment. This site have several important
storyline visits, remember it well.
Carthag-Tabr Sietch: |
Carthag-Tabr is situated north-east of the Atreids palace, east of
Carthag-Harg. Directions are given from Tueno-Tabr fremen. It is
unprospected territory near the Harkonnen domain. There is one green
fremen chief with 1360 men and no equipment at hand.
Tuono-Tuek Sietch: |
Tuono-Tuek is very far east of the Atreids palace, stright east of
Carthag-Harg. Directions are given from Tueno-Tabr fremen. It is unprospected territory.
There is one blue fremen chief with 2350 men, happy to work for the Atreids. No equipment whatsoever.
Tuono-Harg Sietch: |
Tuono-Harg is nort-east of the Atreids palace, just a little south-east
from Carthag-Tabr. Directions are given from Tueno-Tabr fremen. It is
unprospected territory.
There is no fremen there but two harvesters that the nearby fremens can
be ordered to go and collect. Prospectors should visit the place,
before we send workers there.
Tuono-Clam Sietch: |
Tuono-Clam is east of the Atreids palace, straight south
from Tueno-Tabr. Directions are given from Tueno-Tuek fremen. It is unprospected territory.
There is no fremen there but one harvester, two ornitopters and three knives, that the nearby fremens can
be ordered to go and collect. Prospectors should visit the place,
before we send workers there.
Tuono-Timin Sietch: |
Tuono-Timin is south-east of the Atreids palace, a little south-east
from Tueno-Tabr. Directions are given from Tueno-Tabr fremen, after
first emperor's message. It is unprospected territory.
There is no fremen there but one harvester. Also there is located the
quest character Harrah, which reveals new locations escorts Paul for a
while. Prospectors should visit the place,
before we send workers there.
Habbanya-Timin Sietch: |
Habbanya-Timin is south of the Atreids palace, a little south-east
from Carthag-Tuek. It is the up most cave, of the 3 sites given by
Harah. It is unprospected territory. There is one brown fremen chief
with 2430 men, happy to work for the Atreids. No equipment found.
Prospectors should visit the place,
before we send workers there.
Habbanya-Tuek Sietch: |
Habbanya-Tuek is south of the Atreids palace, south-east
from Carthag-Tuek. Iti is the middle cave, of the 3 sites given by
Harah. It is unprospected territory. There is one blue fremen chief with
1500 men, happy to work for the Atreids. No equipment found.
Prospectors should visit the place,
before we send workers there.
Habbanya-Tabr Sietch: |
Habbanya-Tabr is very south of the Atreids palace, south-east
from Carthag-Tuek. It is the downmost cave, of the 3 sites given by
Harah. It is unprospected territory. There is one brown fremen with 2100
men, that refuse to work for the Atreids at first, Paul must go and
make the telepathic communication task before this fremen join the
Atreids. There is one harvester in excellent condition.
Habbanya-Clam Sietch: |
Habbanya-Clam is south of the Atreids palace, a little west from
Habbanya-Tuek. No directions are given for this place, we can find it
flying in and ornitopter near it and a companion, after the vision task
is completed. It is unprospected territory.
There is no fremen there but one harvester, 3 ornitopters and a laser
pistol that we will use later. Prospectors should visit the place,
before we send workers there.
Tuono-Pyons Village: |
Tuono-Pyons village can be discovered after Harah tell us about Stilgar
location and flying to the south-east from Tuono-Clam. We can by
equipment there.
Oxtyn-Pyons Village: |
Oxtyn-Pyons village can be discovered after Harah tell us about Stilgar
location and flying to the south-west from the Atreids Palace. We can by
equipment there.
Sihaya-Clam Sietch: |
Sihaya-Clam is far far west of the Atreids palace. The location is given
by one of the fremens and Harah, after the quest to search the fremen
leader is taken.
There is no fremen there and no equipment at all. Prospectors should
visit the place,
before we send workers there. This is the starting point for searching
Stilgar the leader to the north west.
Ergsun-Timin Sietch: |
Ergsun-Timin is deep west of the Atreids palace, a little north-west
from Sihaya-Clam. It is the place where Stilgar is situated. No
directions are given for this place, we must fly with Harah northwest
near the Harkonnen borders from the site she gave us to find the fremen
There is one blue fremen with 2350 men, happy to work for us. It is
unprospected territory. One knife equipment can be found there.
Ergsun-Tabr Sietch: |
Ergsun-Tabr is deep west of the Atreids palace, a little north-west from
Ergsun-Timin. No
directions are given for this place, we must fly with Stilgar more
near the Harkonnen borders from the site where Stilgar is found.
There is one green fremen with 1070 men, happy to work for us. It is
unprospected territory. A harvester and an ornitopter equipment can be
found there and equipped directly on the fremen.
Ergsun-Clam Sietch: |
Ergsun-Clam is deep west of the Atreids palace, a little south-west from
Ergsun-Tabr. No
directions are given for this place, we must fly with Stilgar southwest from Ergsun-Tabr to detect it.
There is one green fremen with 960 men, happy to work for us. It is
unprospected territory. A knife equipment can be
found there.
Ergsun-Tuek Sietch: |
Ergsun-Tuek is deep east of the Atreids palace in the rocky area, far west Ergsun-Tabr. No
directions are given for this place, we must fly with Stilgar north west from Ergsun-Clam to detect it.
There is one brown fremen with 1230 men, happy to work for us. It is
unprospected territory. No equipment whatsoever.
Ergsun-Harg Sietch: |
Ergsun-Harg is deep east of the Atreids palace, just north west from
Ergsun-Clam. No
directions are given for this place, we must fly with Stilgar north west
from Ergsun-Clam to detect it.
There is one blue fremen, that refuse to work for us at first. We must
introduce Stilgar to Thufir and find Chani first to appeal the chief. It
unprospected territory. A knife and a harvester equipment lies around
Oxtyn-Harg Sietch: |
Oxtyn-Harg is a little sout-west from the Atreids palace. The location
is hidden and can be spotted on the way to meet Chani, if the starting
point is Carthag-Tuek.
There is no fremen there but good equipment, a harvester, an ornitopter
and 5 knives. Prospectors should
visit the place,
before we send workers there.
Oxtyn-Tabr Sietch: |
Oxtyn-Tabr lies west from the Atreids palace. The location is given by
Stilgar and this is the place where we find Chani, that fall in love
with Paul.
There is no fremen there but good equipment, 2 harvesters, an orni
and 1 knife. Prospectors should
visit the place,
before we send workers there.
Ergsun-Harg Sietch: |
is situated north of Chani's home Oxtyn-Tabr. It is one of four locations given by Chani, after she fall in love with Paul.
There is one blue fremen, that refuse to work for us at first. Paul must learn to ride a worm first. It
unprospected territory. A knife and a harvester equipment lies around
Oxtyn-Timin Sietch: |
is situated south-east of Chani's home Oxtyn-Tabr. It is one of four
locations given by Chani, after she fall in love with Paul.
There is one green fremen with 2410 men, happy to work for us. It
unprospected territory. A lonely harvester equipment lies around
Hubbanya-Harg Sietch: |
is situated far south of Chani's home Oxtyn-Tabr. It is one of four
locations given by Chani, after she fall in love with Paul.
There is one brown fremen with 2510 men, happy to work for us. It
unprospected territory. A lonely harvester equipment lies around
Celimyn-Harg Sietch: |
is situated far south-west of Chani's home Oxtyn-Tabr. It is one of
four locations given by Chani, after she fall in love with Paul.
There is one green fremen with 1480 men, happy to work for us. It
unprospected territory. A laser pistol and two knives equipment is
situated there.
Sihaya-Tuek Sietch: |
Sihaya-Tuek lies deep west from the Atreids palace and travelling west
from Oxtyn-Timin. The location is available after Pauld and Jessica
discover the secret garden room in the palace.
There is no fremen there Chani's father Kynes, who gives the vegetation
quest. Where there is a vegetation, there is no spice, yet prospectors
can visit the place to check for spice before planting begins.
Sihaya-Pyons Village: |
village location is given by Chani's father Kynes.
Sihaya-Harg Sietch: |
is a little south-west from Sihaya-Tuek. It is one of 4 locations given by Chanis's Father Kynes.
There is one blue fremen with 1550 men, happy to work for us. It
unprospected territory and have water. No equipment found there.
Sihaya-Timin Sietch: |
Sihaya-Timin is more south-west from Sihaya-Tuek. It is the second of 4 locations given by Chanis's Father Kynes.
There is one brown fremen chief with 2200 men, happy to work for us. It
unprospected territory and have water. No equipment found there.
Sihaya-Tabr Sietch: |
Sihaya-Tabr is far west from Sihaya-Tuek. It is the third of 4 locations given by Chanis's Father Kynes.
There is one green fremen chief with 1450 men, happy to work for us. It
unprospected territory and have water. There is one knife there.
Celimyn-Timin Sietch: |
Celimyn-Timin is far south-west from Sihaya-Tuek. It is the fourth of 4 locations given by Chanis's Father Kynes.
There is one brown fremen chief with 2360 men, happy to work for us. It
unprospected territory and have water. No equipment found there.
Celimyn-Tabr Sietch: |
Celimyn-Tabr is a little north-west from Celimyn-Timin. It is unknown
location found with scouting after vegetation quest is taken.
There is one blue fremen chief with 1720 men, happy to work for us. It
unprospected territory and have water. There is one knife there.
Cielago-Timin Sietch:
Cielago-Timin is east of the Palace, a little north-west from
Sihaya-Tabr. It is unknown location found with scouting after vegetation
quest is taken.
There is no fremen there. It
unprospected territory and have water. No equipment found.
Haga-Timin Sietch:
Haga-Timin is east of the Palace, more north-west from Sihaya-Tabr. It is unknown location
found with scouting after vegetation quest is taken.
There is one green fremen chief with 1520 men, happy to work for us. It
unprospected territory with no equipment found.
Cielago-Tabr Sietch:
is is east of the Palace. It is unknown location
found with scouting after vegetation quest is taken.
There is no fremen and equipment there. It
unprospected territory.
Haga-Tabr Sietch:
Haga-Tabris lies east of the Palace, just north-east from the first village found Tuono-Pyons. It is unknown location
found with scouting after vegetation quest is taken.
There is one brown fremen chief with 2370 men, happy to work for us. It
unprospected territory with no equipment found.
Ergsyn-Tsymyn Sietch:
Ergsyn-Tsymyn lies east of the Palace, just north of Ergsyn-Harg, very near the Harkonen border. It is unknown location
found with scouting after.
There is no fremen there and one knife equipment. It
unprospected territory.
Tsympo-Pyons Village:
Tsympo-Pyons is situated north west of the palace, near the fish rocks tail.
Tsympo-Tuek Sietch:
Tsumpo-Tuek lies north-west of the Palace. The knowledge of this
location is given by nay fremen occupying Carthag teritory, after
vegetation quest is taken.
There is no fremen there, but a knife and a harvester equipment. It
unprospected territory.
Tsympo-Tsymyn Sietch:
Tsympo Tsymyn lies north-west of the Palace, just a little west of
Tsumpo-Tuek. No information of this location, we must find it with
There is no fremen there, but a harvester 2 orni's and some cool
weapons. It
unprospected territory.
Haga-Pyons Village: |
Haga-Pyons is west of Ergsyn-Tuek. Information about it is given by any fremen situated in Ergsyn-Tuek.
Carthag-Clam Sietch: |
Carthag-Clam lies south-west of the Palace. The information of this location is given
by nay fremen occupying Oxtyn-Harg sietch, after vegetation quest is
There is no fremen there, but a harvester and an ornitopter equipment. It
unprospected territory.
Harkonnen Forts:
Arrakeen-Harg Sietch:
Arrakeen-Harg is north of the Palace. The information of this location
can be obtained by espionage or by captured harkonnen soldier.
There is no fremen there. Chani is imprisoned there. First atomic weapon
is found there.
Arrakeen-Tsymyn Sietch:
Arrakeen-Tsymyn is north-east of the Palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage or by captured harkonnen soldier.
There is no fremen there. Two harvesters lies around there.
Arraken-Pyons Village:
village can be discovered after taking Arrakeen-Tsymyn from the
harkonnen. The fremes there after the battle will give information about
the location. We can by
equipment there.
Bledan-Timin Sietch:
Bledan-Timin is north-west of the Palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one blue fremen there captured by the harkonnen. A knife and a laser pistols equipment is free there.
Bledan-Harg Sietch:
Bledan-Harg is more north-west of the Palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one brown imprisoned fremen there. A knife and a laser pistols equipment is lying around.
Bledan-Tuek Sietch:
Bledan-Tuek is more north-west of the Palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one green imprisoned fremen there. A knife and a laser pistols equipment is lying around.
Haga-Siet Sietch:
Haga-Siet is east of the Harkonnen palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one blue imprisoned fremen a harvester and a laser pistol.
Haga-Tsymyn Sietch:
Haga-Tsymyn is east of the Harkonnen palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one brown imprisoned fremen, 2 harvesters 1 orni, and 1 atomics.
Haga-Clam Sietch:
Haga-Clam is south east of the Harkonnen palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one green imprisoned fremen and full army equipment, plus atomics.
Haga-Tuek Sietch:
Haga-Tuek is south east of the Harkonnen palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one blue imprisoned fremen, ornitopter and some weapons.
Bledan-Tabr Sietch:
Bledan-Tabr is north west of the Atreides palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is no fremen there and some military equipment.
Tsympo-Clam Sietch:
Tsympo-Clam is west of the Harkonnen palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one fremen there and a bunch of equipment.
Tsympo-Timin Sietch:
Tsympo-Timin is west of the Harkonnen palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one fremen there and a bunch of equipment.
Tsympo-Pyort Sietch:
Tsympo-Pyort is west of the Harkonnen palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one fremen there and a bunch of equipment.
Tsympo-Siet Sietch:
Tsympo-Siet is west of the Harkonnen palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is no fremen there but one ornitopter.
Arraken-Siet Sietch:
Arraken-Siet is south west of the Harkonnen palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one fremen there and some good equipment.
Tsympo-Tabr Sietch:
Tsympo-Tabr is north west of the Atreides palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one fremen there and some good equipment.
Haga-Harg Sietch:
Haga-Harg is south east of Harkonnen palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
There is one fremen there and some good equipment.
The last 4 Sietch:
Arraken-Clam, Arraken-Timin, Arraken-Tabr and Arraken-Tuek are around
the Harkonnen palace. The information of this location can be
obtained by espionage.
Game Data:
Dune 1
Role Playing Game (RPG),
Real Time Strategy (RTS),
Adventure (ADV)
Futuristic (Arrakis)
Year of Release:
Platform: PC/Windows -
More Info
Picture Story:
Dune 1 Adventure Walkthrough
There are some dune versions out there, that are bugged, so here is a good one:
7 Similar Games. Games like Dune 1:
- Eador: Genesis. (2014)
- Dominions 4. (2014)
- Imperialism 2: Age of Exploration (1999)
- Civilization 4: Dune Wars. (2009)
- Dune 2. (1992)
- Lands of Lore. (1993)
- Castles 2: Siege and Conquest. (1992)