Capcom King of Dragons is one of the 90's colossus arcade games. Its Japanese version is first released during 1991, but quickly find place in the western market to claim the minds of a whole generation of young gamers. Very similar to Knights of the Round hack and slash video game, it is exciting and fun to play it at least once.
Recorded adventure archive 21.01.2016.
Previous adventure. Next game from the adventures Book.
Game Data:
Name: The King of Dragons.
Type: Action Games (AG), Arcade Games (AR), Adventure (ADV)
Genre: Fantasy, Medieval
Year of Release: 1991
Platform: PC/Windows/PS2/Xbox
Here is the world map. We leave our village to seek glorious adventures.

Stage 1 take us in to the deep forest. The Wizard hero have a magic staff with medium range of attack, and a magic ring for protection. As level 1 he is not very strong.
Stage 1 boss is a fat orc with two maces, which can reach a long distance.
At the end of stage 2, we meet the minotaur boss. His axe can reach medium distance and he have a powerful rush attack.
Stage 3 follow the road to the cave. The Elf hero have a bow with large ranged attack, but lack any defense.
We meet the first dragon in stage 3. He is powerful boss, which can breath fire, blow the hero and make rush attacks. The elf can easily defeat the dragon with jump and shot.
In tsage 4 we enter a slime infested cave. The Fighter hero have a balanced attack and defense. His level round shield can block some attack and the level 3 sword still have too short range.
We board a ship to stage 5. Some skeletons and merfolks will stand on the way.
Advancing to stage 6, we entera a castle. The fighter now have level 4 shield, that looks better.
Stage 6 boss is a huge cyclop, which throw stones and smasha with fists.
Stage 7 bring us to a hounted forest. The Cleric hero is strong, but slow. His steel shield can block attacks and arrows.
Deep inside the forest we find the ancient tree, infested with spiders. The spiders are stage 7 bosses. They spit poison and some time descend from the tree to grab the hero.
Stage 8 leads to the plains. The Dwarf hero is strong and fast. He have level 4 axe and level 5 mithril shield.
Stage 8 boss is a dragon ridir knight. He is constantly pinning with his spear and rushes around. The dragon also spit fire.
Stage 9 pass the city walls. The wizard now have level 5 staff that throw a large flame. He also have a new medalion for magic defense.
The boss of stage 9 is a fast and strong human fighter, which can multiply himself.
Stage 10 descend to underground. Some mummies are traing to lay hands on the wizard.
A little further we find the stage 10 bosses. They are wraiths that go in circlet and throw axes. The axes can be blocked.
We are on the wall of stage 11. With level 6 bow and arrows, the Elf hero have a long range and powerful shot.
Stage 11 boss is a heavy armored lizard warrior. He is fast and make all kind of nasty attacks.
Stage 12 take place in the city, infested with skeletons and dragon riders. The Cleric now have alevel 6 spiked mace and a large mithril shield.
Two fast human fighters with sharp katanas are the bosses of stage 12.
Stage 13 begin with a wizard that teleport itself and avoid attacks. He needs just 3-4 hits with the dwarf's shine golden axe level 6.
In the wizard tower we find the level 13 boss. He have 3 area magic attacks.
Stage 14 pass the river. The cleric is testing his level 7 mace on some merfolks.
Another dragon boss is awaiting at the end of stage 14. This one freezes us.
Stage 15 is the dungeons to the dragon's lair. All types of creatures and slimes are stalking the cleric, which now have level 8 huge mace and tower shield.
Two more cyclop bosses are blocking the way of the dungeons.
Finally we reach the last boss of stage 16. It is a huge red dragon guarding immense treasure. He breath fire and grabs the hero with his claws.
Victory at long last. It was a honor for me to save this world once more :)
Bonus short gameplay movie.
18 Similar Games. Games like The King of Dragons:
- Golden Axe. (1991)
- Knights of the Round. (1991)
- Magic Sword. (1990)
- Altered Beast. (1988)
- The Punisher. (1993)
- Warriors of Fate. (1992)
- Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom. (1993)
- Three Wonders. (1991)
- Gods. (1991)
- Gauntlet. (1985)
- Captain Commando. (1991)
- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. (1993)
- Mortal Kombat 2. (1993)
- Street Fighter 2. (1991)
- Prince of Persia 2. (1993)
- Prehistorik 2. (1993)
- The Lost Vikings. (1992)
- Lemmings. (1991)
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