Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Master of Defense - Level 2 Plains Screenshot

Master of Defense - Level 2 Plains Description
Master of Defense PC Game - More explanation screenshots
Tower Defense genre iconFantasy style iconMedieval style iconyear 2006 icon
Level 2 of Master of  Defense PC game is a lovely plain. The road is full with curves, but the optimal spot is near the the castle gate, where the road goes twice. Then if a monster slip away, we have a second chance to catch it with the same towers. This is the first mission we get the Ice Tower to help us. It is taken from the plus button beside the time slider and choosing +1 ice magic. It will slow down the creeping monsters and should be placed in lines along the road.

Game Data:
Name: Master of Defense
Type: Tower Defense
Genre: Fantasy (Ancient Kingdom)
Year of Release: 2006
Platform: PC/Windows - More Info

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  8. CastleStorm.
  9. Space Run.